
A backlink brings your potential guests from every experience to your website, no matter which channel they come from (Google, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, your mails ...).
Why you should therefore also stand out with your experiences on your website and how you do it best, explains Lena in this video:

When integrating your experiences on your website, we recommend:

  1. Place your 8-10 highlight experiences on your home page, preferably in the top half. This way you show your guests at first glance that you are much more than just a classic accommodation with nice facilities and a great location. 
  2. Add a button directly below your highlight experiences that links to your experience subpage with all experience streams.
  3. Implement the experiences additionally on your specific theme subpages, that means e.g. the indulgence experiences on your culinary page, the relaxation experiences on your wellness page, etc. 

Even become a Google star, because:

  1. You increase the length of stay on your website by integrating your experiences.
  2. You pick up your guests emotionally, differentiate yourself through the experiences and thus increase the direct bookings. And one thing we all want: new guests!

Watch the full video about website & mailings here

If you need help integrating the widgets, we'll be happy to help!

Maren Menzel
Maren supports you to put your experiences perfectly in scene and helps you with all questions around your experiences.
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